Festival Grand Opening Party

We are inviting all of you dance lovers to join us for the opening night of the Kizomba Gold Dubai Festival before the madness being to learn the dance and warm up for the sleepless mad weekend of dancing.
20:00-21:00 Begginers /Improvers
21:00- 22:00 Intermediate
22:00 - 3:00am Party
Location: Grand Excelsior Al Barsha
Music room.
Workshop /party Entry fee: 50aed
Music: Kizomba, #semba, Zouk, Afrobeats, Afrohouse
Book your tickets in advance and your spot for the workshop due to the limited spots left to avoid disappointment.
Contact info: +97150 2242282
Email: Kizgoldfest@gmail.com
Youtube: casade kizomba
FB page: Kizomba Dubai Gold festival
FB page: Kizomba dance in Dubai
FB group: Dubai Kizomba Festivals
FB group: Kizomba Dubai (UAE)
IG: @#kizgoldxbfest
IG: @kizombadubai