¡SUPER DEAL! Salsa and Bachata Classes for Beginners before Summer

Get ready to eat the track! With FitDance School Kalalú, you can take out your inner dancer and have fun learning salsa or bachata before the holidays.
We have several scandalous offers for you to start dancing salsa or bachata before the summer!
Why should you start dancing salsa or bachata?
You'll have fun
You'll do something different
You will surprise your friends, family, partner....etc
You'll meet new people
You will exercise
You will release stress
And much more than you'll only find out if you start dancing, NOW!
Go ahead, choose from the following options and let the music begin!
And remember that you can take initiation salsa classes in Kalalú whether you've never danced before or if you don't have a dance partner, or if you doubt that this is not for you, try it! Don't stay at home and start enjoying a different and VERY fun activity!
You have time to buy the voucher until June 30th and start classes before August (always contacting the school)!
Timetable available for SUMMER OFFER:
Tuesdays from 21:00 to 22:00: Bachata initiation classes
Wednesdays from 20:30 to 21:30: Classes of Salsa Caleña of initiation.
You can start next Tuesday or Wednesday directly (although you should always contact the school first).
Valid only for new students.
Limited places.
You can give these 8 classes to a friend who you would like to start dancing with.
60-minute classes. 1 Class per week.
Offer only valid when buying the voucher at go&dance.
Once you have made your reservation, remember to make an appointment well in advance, depending on the availability of the centre.
If you wish to change your appointment you must do so 72 hours in advance.
If you are unable to attend, someone else can enjoy your voucher by making a change of assistant.
Service provided by FitDance School Kalalú
Llama una vez adquirido el bono para avisar del día que empezarás al teléfono +34 651.076.203 o al teléfono +34 697.778.327.