Urbankiz Saturday with Léa and Anni
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Doors will open 12.30
13-14 Body movement for solo styling, open to leaders and followers!
14-15 Musicality, open level
15-18.00 Social, DJ Otso
- break
Doors will open 20.00
20.30-21.30 Urbankiz Couple, intermediate
21.30-02.30 Party with DJ Otso & DJ Akela (Party may last later...)
Do you remember Léa? Léa, who danced with almost every follower at our Urbankiz Weekender event in Helsinki in May? Good news! Léa is coming to Finland in January!
Léa is a French kizomba dancer and recently graduated teacher. She discovered dance through modern jazz at a young age. Later, she practiced salsa and bachata for a few years in Paris and New York. After coming back to Paris 5 years ago, she discovered kizomba and urbankiz and fell in love with them. Since then, she has danced both as a follower and a leader, which made her find her unique way to express and share her musicality. Lea especially loves urbankiz with hip-hop and afro touch.
Who teaches with Léa, as an assistant teacher?
Anni! Anni from Finland, who has lived in Paris. Anni has trained with amazing dancers and learned from the best teachers in Paris. The level is amazing!
(Suomeksi alla)
Women are often incredibly good leaders, often better than most male leaders. Why? Female leaders have experience in both parts of dancing, following and leading, and they know how to take both parts into account.
Followers get to dance with maaany different leaders. Followers get to experience leaders use of music, dance techniques, urbankiz dance styles, and things that work and feel good in dancing and things that don't feel good.... Their use of music can be absolutely incredible!💯💯 The follower mirrors the leaders' dance and through that learns more and more about dance position and body movement, leading and feeling in the dance etc.
The follower's experience provides a great foundation for leading. For been a follower for a long time, then starting lead, she is immediately ahead of many of the male leaders in the same course.
Many male leaders learn how to follow because they want to develop their own leading skills through it. It also expalanes a lot about this topic. I could write a novel about it, so I'll stop here 😉
This is going to be a diamond day!
Naiset ovat usein uskomattoman hyviä viejiä, usein parempia kuin suuri osa miesviejistä.
Miksi? Naisviejillä on kokemus molemmista osista tanssia, seuraamisesta ja viemisestä, ja he osaavat ottaa molemmat osat huomioon.
Seuraajat pääsevät tanssimaan monien eri viejien kanssa. Seuraajat pääsevät kokemaan musiikin käyttöä, tanssitekniikoita, monenlaisia urbankiz tanssityylejä sekä asioita mitkä toimivat ja tuntuvat hyvältä tanssissa ja asioita mitkä eivät tunnu hyvältä…. Seuraaja peilaa viejien tanssiasentoa ja oppii sitä kautta yhä lisää tanssista, tanssiasennosta ja kehonkäytöstä.
Seuraajan kokemus antaa upean kokemuspohjan viemiselle. Pitkään seuraajana tanssineen aloittaessa viemisen, hän on heti pidemmällä kuin moni samalla kurssilla olevista miesviejistä.
Monet miesviejät seuraavat, koska haluavat kehittää sitä kautta omia viemistaitojaan. Voisin kirjoittaa aiheesta romaanin, niin lopetan tähän 😉
/ Petra
Tästä tulee timanttinen päivä.
Lämpimästi tervetuloa! 🩷