QUALIFYING FWC - CÁDIZ - 7th of November 2015
November 7, 2015 in Cadiz Semifinal FWC at "La cabaña del Buda"!!!!, composed of three modes, MALE, FEMALE AND GROUP (of 2-5 components max.)
Interested please contact me at + 0034-653580572 or for any questions you have regarding the championship.
Single Male
Individual Women
Groups (Of 2-5 people max) may be: Only Boys only Girls or Mixed
- Professional judges
- CHAMPIONSHIP CHOREOGRAPHY: You can present in the semifinal of the choreography that you may have mounted, and for the Final to be held in May 2016 Badajoz would premiere.
To make the inscription:
* Data of the participant:
Name, ID, Phone, e-mail
* Category in which it competes:
Single Male
Women's Singles
* Specify type of salsa: Cuban, New York, Puerto Rico, etc ..
* Specify time when the choreography is executed
* Place the tie to which you want to present?
* The music has to be sent along with all this before the tie to email: